Category: Uncategorized

  • The Dangerous Myth of Gun-Free Zones

    There is a dangerous myth that persists in society today: that gun-free zones are somehow safer. The idea is appealing to some—create a space where guns are not allowed, and it will supposedly prevent violence. But real-world data paints a very different picture, revealing that gun-free zones often become targets for mass shooters rather than…

  • The Proposed Property Tax Increase in Eaton County: A Concerned Look

    Hey Eaton County, have you heard about the proposed property tax increase? They’re talking about adding another 3.0 mills to the current rate, making it 8.5 mills. This is set to hit the ballots in November 2024, aiming to plug some budget holes. But before we all go marking our ballots, there’s a bunch of…

  • The Perils of Gun-Free Zones: A Case Against Disarming Law-Abiding Citizens

    The notion of a “gun-free zone” has been touted as a solution to the problem of gun violence, but in reality, it is a recipe for disaster. By declaring a particular area off-limits to firearms, the state is effectively stripping law-abiding citizens of their right to self-defense. This misguided policy ignores the fundamental principle of…

  • A Call for Accountability

    Legal Action Against Dangerous Rhetoric and Security Lapses In recent times, we’ve seen a disturbing trend: inflammatory rhetoric and incitements to violence directed at former President Donald Trump. This isn’t just about political discourse; it’s a severe threat to democracy and the rule of law. Moreover, recent tragic events at a Trump rally have highlighted…